Half of the world's population do not have access to essential healthcare services. Due to inaccessibility patient deters seeking medical attention in time and overtime trivial conditions turn into emergencies. Every year 100 million people worldwide are pushed into poverty due to out of pocket emergency health expenditure.

As a market pioneer in AI healthcare, MedAi has a strong focus on serverless healthcare platform development to empower people with faster access to much-needed healthcare services. This article focuses on how serverless solutions and patient engagement through mobile platforms can revolutionize the healthcare delivery of the world and eliminate healthcare access inequality.

Reduced Costs

The COVID-19 outbreak, physician shortage (about to rise by 2.5 times in the next ten years), and chronic underfunding, along with growing demand and patient expectations, have imposed a significant burden on the industry. For hospitals across the developed world, the challenge is even bigger due to the complete absence of digital infrastructure.

Greater Patient Satisfaction and Retention

MedAi's serverless solution equips hospitals to onboard patients outside their catchment area via virtual patient onboarding. Its AI-powered healthcare mobile application will assist patients to register their symptoms and medical history during virtual appointment booking and doctors will be aided with actionable clinical insights for faster diagnosis hence better patient satisfaction.

Better Data Security

Cloud providers handle administration maintenance, and security, as well as hardware and software updates. Giants such as AWS, Azure, and Google are HIPAA-compliant and ensure cloud security best practices to protect their services from cyberattacks or data leaks. MedAi ensures all patient data is end-to-end encrypted, anonymised and with our multilayer credential system only people with the right credential would be able to access the data.

Enhanced Performance

The serverless architecture scales automatically up or down, so the system will adapt, regardless of whether there’s a cholera outbreak or it’s just a regular day. Since the information is backed up and distributed across servers, a failure of one server won’t affect the app’s availability.